Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 20, 2009 - Children's Hospital

Today I headed out with Wil to Seattle for an EKG. I was worried how to help him with this experience and came up with the idea of telling him that we were going to test his Super Hero powers. The kids have recently been watching and LOVING the Super Friends DVD with Super Man, Wonder Woman, Wonder Twins, Aqua Man, Green Lantern, etc. I thought he could relate to this idea, but instead it did the opposite. "I'm NOT a SUPER HERO!!!", he cried over and over. New experiences can be a bit overwhelming for this one. So, I quietly explained that the doctors wanted to see how strong his heart was. :) He quieted down and we headed out. We had to make a return at Land's End on the way and he fell in love with a cute new umbrella. It was on sale. :) I think I would have gotten it for him anyway. Although it wasn't raining, he used it to transition into the building. The folks in the elevator thought he was cute. :) By luck, the cardiology department at Childrens is in the whale wing. Wil thought his umbrella was fantastic as we entered the underwater world. So did the greeters, nurses, and physicians. :) He did exceptionally well with is testing. All were pleased and a bit surprised. After he finished, I said "Wil, you really are a Super Hero and the doctors just tested your greatest Super Hero Power". "What power Mom?" he asked. "Your heart! It is your greatest strength. You are kind and loving Wil Ryan. You are our Super Hero!" *Grin

March 19, 2009 - Bil Headed to CA

Another volleyball tournament this weekend. Bil will be gone from Thursday through Sunday night. I feel like a 16-year-old girl missing her boyfriend. I tried not to cry after dropping him off, but I didn't succeed. :) I miss him. I will miss having his support when the kids won't stay in bed. I will miss his extra set of hands when I'm trying to herd all three into one common direction. I will miss the smell of his cologne in the room after his shower. I will really miss his back when I wake up in the middle of the night and scooch over to connect.

March 18, 2009 - Happy Birthday Marci and Matt

Although we are celebrating Lucky the Leprechaun still in preschool, today marks the special day for both Marci and Matt... unfortunately neither had a stellar day on their birthday. As you grow older, there seems to be a decline in the "star" aspect of the day. Perhaps it is because you don't get to bring cupcakes to share with all your work associates as you did in grade school or that you even HAVE to work on your birthday. When you are young, you celebrate that you are progressing on and reaching new milestones like driving, dating, or adulthood. As an adult, we should be equally as excited that we made it one more year! One more year towards what?? Well, here's the beauty... one more year period! Instead of looking forward, perhaps we should just look at where were are and what we have accomplished!

March 17, 2009 - From 0 to 60 in mere moments!

When Wil mentions that his ear hurts... we know that it can go from 0 to 60 with pain in mere moments. Ten minutes after submitting my last research paper, Wil woke up screaming. After a sleepless night with Wil between Bil and I, there is no question that he has an ear infection; however, we will need a doctor's appointment to confirm and get a prescription of antibiotics. :) We're just hoping that this one stays single versus a dual infection.

March 16, 2009 - My Last Class

Today marks the official last day of my Ashford BA degree. Although I have been taking courses which double for my Masters, I have now officially completed all BA requirements!!!! Bil is just a few weeks behind and we will both fly to Iowa this May to receive our degrees with honor. I believe we will graduate with President's List graduate of Honors.

March 15, 2009 - Sunday Naps

I love the brief time between 3:00 and 4:30 each Sunday when kids are (hopefully) asleep and all is quiet in the home. Even if we can snooze for just 30 minutes, the thought is so exciting that I am giddy enough not to sleep!

March 14, 2009